Tuesday, July 6, 2010

And so the the Journey Begins...

There were a couple of things I had going for me that were critical in taking this new venture:
One, my faith in God and and the belief that the talent and passion He bestowed upon me was for a reason. I believe everyone is given certain talents, and it's up to each of us to find that talent and nuture it. I knew the more time I could devote to painting, the more I'd learn and the better I'd get. Learning is a life long pursuit - it never ends.
Two, I had the full faith and support of my wonderful wife. I should clarify this, I had her moral support - which is all I asked. Although she had offered, I was absolutely against her supporting me financially. I decided before jumping in that I was either good enough to support myself, or I wasn't. So we split the bills 50/50, and maintain seperate checking accounts, and another account for my business. I promised her that if the time ever comes when I can't hold up my end, I will go back to work for someone else.
The other thing I knew I'd never do was apply for a government grant. This is just me, and not a judgement of anyone else. I just can't accept money I know has been taken from other people through taxation. Any money my paintings generate will be because the buyer chooses to own one.
With these two most important pieces in place, I hit the ground running...

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