Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Outdoor Festivals - a love/hate relationship

I have to admit I am not altogether fond of
outdoor art shows. I work too hard and incur too much expense on each painting in time, materials and framing to actually "love" risking the unpredictable elements to show them. It is why I seek as many indoor shows as possible.

That being said, I also recognize that many people do enjoy these shows and the good often outweighs the bad.

The wind, rain, cold or heat can be challenging for sure. Sometimes my allergies wreak havoc on the experience. And of course the occassional unsupervised youngster armed with the ever-present festival roasted turkey leg, juice dripping down his arm, suddenly spots your paintings from a distance and rushes over to touch the "horsies" can stop even the strongest artist's heart.

The interaction with people who may never go to a traditional gallery is always rewarding. Sometimes the look on their face says more than most verbal compliments. It is because of this I keep going back.

If I can ever arrange a schedule consisting only of indoor festivals though, I certainly won't lose any sleep!